Sunday, November 9, 2008

First (new) Blog Post!

So the "old" blog was getting cluttered and kind of looked like an angry mob got to it. So like the Spanish Inquisition, I destroyed it! Or at least started fresh here. Why the happy face? Because I'm just so excited about the "new" blog! It'll be a lot cleaner looking-more professional. That's right! No more "Why doesn't my hair look pretty!" nonsense or "I have 7 papers due in 4 classes" tomfoolery! If you wanted to read about people complaining about boring stuff, then go read a tabloid! But if you DO like:
Then this is the blog for you! All of my reviews will be posted here waay before they hit the stands that I know you all are fighting each other over. Oh, and it's also helping by "Going Green" since Green is my favorite color! It works! So is there anything you as a reader are looking for? Not looking for? Trying to figure out when this post will end? Post below!